Build Your Dream

Vision Got Larger

Grace Global’s vision is to maintain and strengthen its construction business, to uphold its stringent engineering standards, and to aplly respond to the changing complexity of projects and the needs of clients. Grace Global’s strategy for sustained quality and growth depends on the development of world-class engineering expertise and project management capabilities.

Build Your Dream

25 Years Of Undefeated Success

  • We collaborate and communicate to remove complexity, preserve transparency, and strive for clarity in our business.
  • We attract, recruit and retain talented people, who are accountable. We recognize, evaluate and reward their contribution to the success of the company, we invest in them and they will always be our most valuable assets.
  • Run it like you own it. Our employees act like business owners, their responsibilities entitle them to make thoughtful decisions accordingly.
  • We always do the right things and do things right, the first time and every time.
  • We are a humble, reliable, and trusted partner for our clients and colleagues.


Successfully Project Finished.


Years of experience with proud


Revenue in 2017 investment


Colleagues & counting more daily

Build Your Dream

Quality Services

Land Minning

Mining is the extraction of valuable geological materials from the Earth and other astronomical objects

Building Staffs

Staff is a kind of artificial stone used for covering and ornamenting temporary buildings. It is chiefly made of plaster of Paris (powdered Gypsum)

Material Supply

Materials and supplies are deemed to include goods used as inputs in a production process (raw materials, semi-finished products, additives, parts, and small tools and devices)


Gives expert advice on a particular subject. A survey of 57 hospitals by Newchurch, a consultancy, reveals striking improvements


Profession of designing buildings, open areas, communities, and other artificial constructions

Crane Service

a form of towing service that involves moving a motor vehicle.


Committed To Keep People Healthy & Safe

A commitment to safety is the foundation of a positive safety culture that continues to build on itself

We Follow Best Practices

About Founders

We Are Leading International Company In The World

Nabeel Shauket


Maryam Al Balushi

Civil Engineer

Ahsan Shauket

IT Engineer

About Founders

Our Latest Works

What Our Clients Say


Engineering Manager

Alice Howard

Interior Designer

Nathan Marshall


Ema Romero


Ann Smith

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Frequently Asked Questions

Promoting urban agriculture

When you think of agriculture, most people think of rural areas. But did you know that over 800 million people worldwide practice urban agriculture?

By preserving agricultural land in urban areas, we can shorten supply chains and the amount of CO2 emitted when transporting food from rural to urban areas. Producing and selling more fresh food within the city itself can reduce the environmental impact of food distribution, increase opportunities for inclusive local supply chains and improve access to nutritious foods, for example through farmers’ markets.

Although nobody won the $45 million Powerball jackpot in the drawing from Saturday, March 11, 2023, the Ohio Lottery says there are still thousands of smaller-tier prizes that were hit throughout the state

Through planned infrastructure, public green spaces, smart waste removal and more, cities can leave behind a net zero footprint for a more sustainable world.
  • Public transportation. …
  • Walkable and bikeable neighborhoods. …
  • Vehicle charging stations. …
  • Solar farms. …
  • Green buildings. …
  • Food production. …
  • Accessible public resources.